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Definitions and Terminology

Definition of an automatic group

The following definitions are extracted from a paper by Sarah Rees, with some slight changes to notation.

Let G denote a finitely presented group defined by the presentation:
G = <g1,g2,...,gm | x1=y1,...,xk=yk>
We shall use the term generator of G to mean any element of the set {g1, g2,...,gm,g1-1, g2-1,...,gm-1}, and word in the generators of G to mean any string of symbols from this set. For words w1,w2 in the generators of G, w1 == w2 will mean that w1 and w2 are identical as strings, while w1 =G w2 will mean that w1 and w2 represent the same group element of G. Futher, l(w) will denote the string length of w (for example, l(g15g-32) = 8) and lG(w) the string length of a shortest word u with u=Gw. For any integer i, w(i) will denote the prefix of w of length i if i < l(w), and will otherwise denote the whole of w. We shall use the symbol $ to denote the word of length 0, and e to denote the identity element of the group G (which $ represents).

A finite state automaton M is a finite directed graph, whose edges are labelled by symbols from an associated set known as its alphabet, and whose vertices are called states. Out of each state there is at most one edge labelled with any given alphabet symbol. One vertex (or state) is known as the start state, some of the others are accept states. A string on the alphabet is accepted (and so is in the language, L(M), of M) if it labels a path from the start state to an accept state, and is otherwise rejected. Since transitions out of some states on some symbols may be undefined, an automaton satisfying these conditions is often known as a partial deterministic automaton. A set of words is called a regular set if it is the language of a finite state automaton.

A 2-stringed automaton is a finite state automaton whose alphabet is a set of ordered pairs of symbols from a base alphabet. The language can be considered as a set of pairs of words over the base alphabet; pairs of words are read by the automaton by reading at each stage a pair of symbols, one from each string. If one word is longer than the other, then the shorter word is padded out with a padding symbol, which we shall denote by _, until the two words are equal in length.

Definition 2.1 (Automatic group) G is automatic if:

  1. There is a finite state automaton W with alphabet {g1,...,gm,g1-1,...,gm-1} whose language L(W) contains at least one representative of each element of G.
  2. There is a constant K such that, if v,w 2 L(W), and lG(v-1*w) ≤ 1, then, for all i, lG(v(i)-1*w(i)) ≤ K.

Condition (ii) is known as the fellow traveller property. It can be replaced in the definition (and often is) by the following condition:-
(ii)* for each element g of the set {e,g1-1,...,gm-1}, there is a 2-stringed finite state automaton Mg, with base alphabet {g1,..., gm, g1-1,...,gm-1} whose language is the set of pairs of words (v,w) from L(W) such that v*g=w.

For the purposes of computational verification of an automatic structure, (ii)* is sometimes more appropriate than the more geometrical condition (ii). W is called the word acceptor, and Mg the multiplier for g. The word acceptor and multipliers together form an automatic structure for the group G, and L(W) the associated language. Using the multipliers, any word can be reduced to a representative in the language.

The above definition of automaticity appears to be dependent on the choice of generators for G. In fact it is not (see Word processing in proups (Epstein et al.) ). It is straightforward to deduce that G is finitely presented.

Many of the languages associated with automatic structures are naturally associated with an easily described word order.

Definition 2.2 (Automatic with respect to a word order) Let be any partial order on words. A word v is said to be irreducible with respect to if there is no word u with u =G v and u v (that is with u =G v and u < v).

A group G is said to be automatic with respect to if there is an automatic structure for G for which the language is the set of all irreducible words with respect to .

Minimally Reducible

A word is minimally reducible if the word itself is reducible, but none of its subwords are reducible. MAF calls the language of all such words the L1 language of the rewriting system, and so the term L1-reducible is synonymous with minimally reducible. See also L2-reducible.

A rewriting rule that gives the correct reduction for such a word is called a primary equation. A rewriting system that contains all primary equations necessary to correctly reduce the minimally reducible words, but no other equations is called a minimal confluent rewriting system. This rewriting system is contained in the .kbprog files produced by MAF and KBMAG.

L2 Reducible

A word is L2-reducible if the word itself is reducible, but its prefix is irreducible. (Actually internally this is called L3, and L2 is reserved for words that just fail to be minimimally reducible: if the word has n symbols, the subword consisting of the last n-1 symbols is reducible, but no other subwords are. Some groups, and especially some Coxeter groups, have some word differences in equations with an LHS from L2, but none from equations with an LHS from L3.).

An equation in which the LHS is a word from L2 (or L3) and the RHS is irreducible is called a secondary equation. Not all words in L2 give rise to such equations, only those words for which the correct reduction for the word and the word itself have no common cancellable prefix.

Usually at least some word differences needed for computation of the automatic structure arise only from such equations. Since MAF does store such equations, but KBMAG does not, MAF is slightly more likely to be able to compute an automatic structure correctly in fewer iterations than KBMAG. However, KBMAG uses the fact that the word-difference machine is inverse-closed to infer the existence of at least some of these word differences.

A confluent rewriting system that contains all, or most, such secondary equations is able to reduce words more quickly than a minimal confluent rewriting system, because it is able to directly reduce words in L2. In contrast a minimal confluent rewriting system has to back-track, because further reductions may become possible after the initial reduction. For some word orderings this can be significant. However a rewriting system with all the L2 equations is often very much larger than a rewriting system containing only L1 equations.

The Word Problem

The word problem is the problem of deciding whether two different words in the alphabet of a presentation actually represent different elements in the object presented. There is no general algorithm for solving this problem, and no such algorithm can exist. However, if an automatic structure has been found for a group then the word problem is solvable in quadratic time.